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My pedigree Persians coat


Hello Norman
I have been having Persian cats for long time , and about 7 months before i bought a pure pedigree white male Persian kitten from the country of Ukraine . he enjoys a very much flat face , and great personality . I remember when i bought Napoleon (while he was just about 45 day old) his hair and coat was so long . but as he grew up his coat is not as long as it is supposed to be . you see , his coat is still so long in comparison to ordinary cats and that's why I'm pretty much sure that he is not from the exotic breed . but as I have some other Persian cats , I can feel that his coat is not as long as others .actually I just don't know what to do in order to make his coat longer . is there anything that i can do ? why is he like this ? I'm sure he's not an exotic breed because his coat still is so long in comparison to non pedigree kitties . but not as long as other Persian .
Thank you so much for your great answers .


Not all Persians have very long flowing coats.  There are lines of Persians who have adequate coats, but not very long flowing coats.  In the Cat Fanciers' Association, the Persian standard allots only 10 points for coat.

There was a line of very nice award winning Persians which never had great coats, but were structurally excellent, thus winning a number of national and regional awards.  This was the Vickits line, bred by Ken and Vickie Lanham (no longer breeding).

I am afraid it is all in the genes, so there is not much you can do to make it linger.  He is still quite young and may not have had a coat change yet, so I would be a bit more patient with him to see how he develops.

Best regards... Norm.