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cat wont letother cat eat


We have had smokey and charcoal since 2003, they are brothers,both of them are males.They were spayed or neutured when they were about 5 months old.Smokey for some reason has always been the dominat one,but lately he won't let charcoal eat nothing at all. Charcoal is getting so skinny I'm getting worried . The only way (lately) that smokey gets something to eat is if I put Smokey in a crate. Is this behavior ever going to end? Help us  

Continue to feed them separately.  Let Charcoal eat all he wants, and don't let Smokey around until Charcoal is finished eating.  But I'd recommend to get both to the vet.  Smokey might have something that causes a big appetite, like diabetes, high thyroid or parasitic worms.  And there might be something else causing Charcoal's weight loss, which could also include all those things I mentioned, as well as many other diseases.