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skin irritation on long haired cat

20 16:44:41

Hi, I hope you can answer my question,I have a long haired cat, she is part hymalayian, sorry this is spelled wrong. well any way, she keeps getting skin bumps,especially near her rear by the top  right where the tail begins. and around the spots near her eyes under the ears where the hair is thinner. she has been flea checked and I use front line on her even thou she is an indoor only cat. she is eight years old. this bothers her so much, she digs and licks all the time. I did take her to the vet and he ended up giving her steriod shots. but they are so expensive I was wondering if there was any other way of taking care of this.
can you help.

First of all, stop using the Front Line.  That may be what is irritating her skin.  I doubt the fleas are going to bother her that much being an indoor cat.  Have you tried changing her food?  If not, try something like IAMs, or Science Diet dry food.  It is good for them and it could be something as simple as a food alergy.  Write me again if this doesn't solve the problem.  I always like to help.  Barb