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Cat cant keep food down.


I have a little problem with my cat Cat.  She has been having more and more trouble keeping food down.  I've tried different brands of food.  Feeding her two times a day for a while, and then when that didn't work I tried three smaller meals.  Yesterday I woke up and she had thrown up on my modem, and today when I got home from school she had defiled my favorite chair.  I just fed her and had about five minutes of peace before I had to rush her from carpet to tile.  Understandably this is a bit annoying.  Any suggestions?


I am quite concerned that your cat is being sick so often. There are many causes for cat vomiting such as hairballs /hairballs.html

worms /cat-worms.html

However there are other illnesses which could be causing it

the only real way to know for sure is to take her to the vets to have her properly checked out.

i hope my web pages may be able to help you further.

best wishes Kate