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I have an older,very big neutered tabby.He does some weird things.Why?
One thing is he will select a stuffed toy from one of my childrens rooms and leave it somewhere to display,like the middle of the living room floor or entranceway.
He also has a lot of different vocalisations.
What is he doing?

Hi Barry!

Who knows why cats do what they do?  That's why I love them so much, they are so comical and very smart.  He may be playing with the stuffed toy and then leave it wherever he last played with it.  Then again, maybe he thinks he has hunted it down and is leaving it to you as a gift.  Outside cats will often bring their "prey" home as a gift to their owner. I have a friend who was doing her dishes one day, looking outside the kitchen window, when lo and behold up the driveway came her old tomcat with a wiggling snake in his teeth on his way to bring it to her!!  LOL

As far as the different vocalizations go, I think they are talking to you!  My cats like to drink from the bathroom faucet and they will vocalize quite loudly when they want me to come back and turn it on.  Just like their slave, I do their  I think they have different sounds for different things, I just wish I knew what they all meant!

It sounds to me like a wonderful cat owns YOU!

God Bless,