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Washing my cat

20 16:44:48

Hello.  I have a very very big black cat.  He tends to get dandruff near his tail.  I would love to give him a bath, but I fear he would kill me in the process.  Do you have any suggestions, other than taking him to a groomer?

Thank you

Hello Celeste,
Bathing your cat can sometimes be a hazardous job, as you know!  Altho you may be surprised at how good some kitties are to be bathed.  While some may vocally protest, but accept it nonetheless, others may go straight up the walls when they even get an inkling that a bath is in store for them...I will tell you what the average procedure is for the average cat, and you can adjust as needed.  Always start by trimming the nails.  This can easily be done with cat claw clippers, and just remove the points, staying about 1/16th of an inch or better in front of the pink 'quick' of the nail.  Squeeze his foot to allow the claws to extend, then cut.  Be sure the water you use is very warm.  Cats like warmth.  You can either spray him with a shower sprayer, keeping it very close to the skin so as to be as quiet as possible, or you can actually 'dunk' him into a bucket of warm soapy water and let him hang over the side a bit.  Then into a rinse bucket.  Most bathing procedures require 'scruffing' your cat by the neck.  Mimicking the behaviour of a mother cat carrying her babies by their 'scruff' from one place to another, this action actually releases endorphins in the cat and serve to relax him.  And sometimes, not!  There are a few cats that do not like to be scruffed and will be unwilling at all to be bathed.  But not very many.  So assuming you are able to successfully scruff and begin bathing, it should be noted that if you are going to use a specialty shampoo, like medicated (which will help with the dandruff) or cactus or any shampoo which has 'work' to do, it is imperative that it be left on the cat for as long as the directions say.  Ten minutes with a wet, not-so-happy cat can be a long while!  So to contain him, just put a laundry basket (the plastic type, preferably) over him and let him just sit. Cats like to hang onto things when they are getting a bath.  The plastic basket or a plastic milk crate are much better than your arm!  Just scruff him up,  sit him on top and let him grab where he feels most comfortable with .  Try to keep at least one hand on him to not only make him feel more secure, but also alert you should he be preparing to bolt! When you are ready to rinse, you can do the bucket dunk, or you can rinse with whatever hose you may be using in the tub or sink. Just be absolutely SURE to rinse the shampoo COMPLETELY, otherwise it will cause irritation and itchy skin.  Wipe out the ears with either ear cleaner for cats or with just vinegar and water.  Be sure and be sure he stays relatively warm while drying.  After thoroughly towel drying, let him stay in a heated bathroom if possible till he is mostly dry.  Also know that flakey skin is many times, related to the diet.  I usually recommend Precise cat foods, as they are designed to specifically target coat and skin.  Check with your local pet shop for food and coat care products.
Thank you for your inquiry and hope this has been helpful.