Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > cat has had kittens why does she have a lump on her stomach

cat has had kittens why does she have a lump on her stomach


My 2 year old cat had 2 kittens 4 month ago and both died she was fine after this. Then she got caught again and she had 2 kittens on Saturday both are fine she is being a great mother feeding and cleaning them but she has started to move away from them and venture out the box they are in, so i had a feel at her tummy. She has sagging on her tummy and when i felt it  expecting it to be soft it is rock hard and she looks like a cow with those things they have. Could it be kitten stuck or placenta i don't know if this is normal because she is feeding them or should i see a vet to get her checked out.


I wonder if she might be constipated.

I would have her checked out by a vet immediately!!!!!

You really need to look at getting her spayed as soon as these kittens are weaned.  When the kittens are about 4 weeks, expect a "lactation" heat, but do not let her get out or she could be bred again!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.