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My male kitten keeps urinating on beds


Plz help me. 3-4 weeks ago i brought a male kitten (now 11 weeks)but i have a problem....he keeps urinating on our beds. He urinated once on the spare bed and 3 times on our 3yr old daughters bed. He is using the litter tray with no problems except for the insistent peeing on beds. I always make sure i wash everything down with disinfectant...and wash the sheets/ doonah in the washing machine straight after it has happened, but he is still continuing to do it. The litter tray had only just been cleaned this morning, and 2 hrs later he peed on her bed....any suggestions will be greatly accepted...i really think he is just marking his territory but how can i stop this? I've heard neutering could help, how old do they have 2 be before you can do this? My parents and hubby say that i will never stop him and that i should get rid of him....but i would rather not (for my sake and my daughters)

Hi Nikki,

There are a few things you can do to help with this situation.  Since he is a very young kitten he may be not quite litter trained. Get him another box with a different type of litter for it. Some cats like to urinate in one and defecate in the other. Make sure it is a low one. Place it in another area. Make sure the kitten doesn't have a lot of room to roam too far from the boxes. To you it might not seem like a big area to go to the litter box but to a kitten it could be the disinfectant of walking a block to use the bathroom. Make sure the litter box is clean.
Clean you bed linens with a enzyme urine remover. Even with you washing the area with disinfectant your cat can still smell the urine there. Place a cover of plastic on the bed,(like a shower curtain), so he can't pee on the linens.
Keep an eye on your kitty. When he looks like he is going to go scoop him up and put him in the litter box. When he does go in the box praise him. Don't yell at him if he makes a mistake. He will get it. Cats are naturally clean. He just needs a little retraining.
You might also want to take him to the vet to make sure that he is not sick. Good luck and let me know how this works out. If you are still having problems I can give you some more suggestions. Try these first.

Ciao, Karen