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Better to visit or not visit family cats when divorced?


I moved out of our house a month ago to live on my own, leaving an 8 year marriage, and 2 wonderful 8 year old cats, Ketze and Lil'Guy. They are like our sons. They are inseparable.  We got them for my son when he was 10. My husband has had the cats who are showing signs of depression, listlessness, hiding under the bed, no longer playing together, and many more symptoms.  Ketze was close to his Dad, Lil'Guy was like part of me -- I saved his life as a kitten.  I've been trying to find out what is best for the cats.  We live 15 miles apart.  I have no plans to return.  Is going to be harder for the cats to see me occassionally and dissappear again -- as my husband thinks it would do them good to see me -- or, as I was advised by our vet, that it will just make it harder if I see them then leave again.  I would be most appreciative of any light you could shed.  The whole situation has broken four hearts.
Thank you for your time, help and consideration.

I myself have never left a cat behind and I have been divorced before. But cats do get depressed when a loved one disappears, as well as when another cat does. I see nothing wrong in showing up and showing love to your cat. It will not only help you emotionally to be with your cat but he will be glad to know you did not abandon him.
In this case, if the cat is equally yours and your exes, I would consider partial custody, meaning you each get the cat for a certain amount of time per month. That way the cat will know that both of you are in his life, as a child would.

Just my opinion.
Good luck to you.