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Cat and meowing @ night


I have just adopted a 3 year old female tabby who has been spayed and had all her vaccines. She was up for adoption as she apparently did not get along with her owners original cat. She is very friendly and loves to be cuddled. night she meows constantly and it keeps myself and husband awake. She has full roam of the house at night and as she is so new to us, we have not yet recognised where is best for her to sleep (as we felt she should choose). We have a litter tray that is in the same room as her food, but she has not yet used it.  

Hi Jessica,

You need to do the opposite. Limit the area she can go into. She is stressed out and is trying to figure her way around. She most likely misses her old home and other kitties. At night keep her in your room. She needs the companionship. If she doesn't settle down for the evening play with her and get her tired a little bit before bedtime. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen