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introducing kitten to new food

20 16:39:27

Hi there!
I got a kitten last week, I think she is around 8 weeks old. The owner of her mother fed her only wet food, and now that is all she will eat. I want to change what I feed her and give her  more dry stuff, as I know that eating just wet food is bad for her teeth, and also, it is costing me a fortune. If I put down a bowl of dry stuff she will sniff it and walk away. I mixed the wet food into it and she just picked it out and left the dry stuff. I mixed it with cat milk and she had diarrhea for 2 days after, the milk did not agree with her even though she liked it. I do understand that the meaty food is a lot yummier than the dry stuff though, that is why she doesn't want it. What can I do to make her eat dry food? Do you think she will ever?


she will eat when she is hungry. you have tried everything i would have suggested except...cut out the wet food totally, she will get sooooooooo hungry she will break down and eat the dry food out of hunger, however, dont let her go for more then one day of not eating. if she isnt eating the dry food by day 2, you might want to try TENDER VITALS or some other moist dry food. good luck