Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > My other cat beauty has stopped gromming her belly!

My other cat beauty has stopped gromming her belly!


My cat beauty is my long haired alpha cat we got her first and ever since then shes been the leader of the pack! But for the past couple of months shes been really irritable, she sometimes attacks the other cats, and she won't groom her belly she has these mats that hang off her! When I try to brush her or rub her belly she gets pist and runs away! What should I do? Should I shave her?
PS sorry 4 asking you sooooo many questions!


A change in behavior could indicate a medical problem, so I would suggest a full medical work up before anything else. Keep me posted as to what blood, urine and your vet say. I am willing to offer help on an ongoing basis, so please do not hesitate to contact me with further questions or concerns.