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Cat upset by new kitten


Hi - I really hope you can help our situation. We have a wonderful and amazing cat that we have had for about 4 years.She acts like a dog with our young girls (4&6) sleeping in their beds - getting under covers - just the best cat ever. So before Christmas we decided to get a kitten because our girls get jealous when one has our cat so we thought it would be great to have 2. Well, we introduced them just like all the articles say and it is almost 4 months later and things are still not going well. Our wonderful cat has turned into an anxious cat, not snuggling nearly as much, growling and hissing at the kitten, and now is starting to poop in various places around our house. I scoop the litter every day and add new. We feel like we need to find another home for the kitten but our 4 year old will be devastated. We can't have our cat pooping all over and we want her to be peaceful and happy again. THe kitten just thinks it is a game and won't leave her alone. They chase each other all over the house and our cat hisses and growls the whole time. Do you have any suggestions?
THank you!

Hi Kori,

Try getting Feliway Comfort Zone. Use this stuff. It mimics a cats happy pheromones. See if this relaxes your older cat. If it doesn't you might have to try using a drug to relax her. But that should only be in a last resort sort of thing. Write back and let me know how the Feliway does. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen