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cats re-opened wound


Hi there recently I had to take my kitten to the vet as he had a bite on his back left ankle/leg. It was infected and swollen so he was given antibiotics and cream. The wound healed and there was all new pink skin. However I have noticed again that the wound has know re-opened. The thing is he still has got his collar on and he has discovered a way to lick. Will I have to take him back to the vets or do you think that if I keep putting this cream on it will clear itself up

I would call the vet.  Any time there is a relapse of a condition, the treatment needs to be re-evaluated.  Perhaps a different treatment is needed, perhaps a longer course is needed.  

An antibiotic cream is fine to use with him for now, but some creams prescribed by vets have a steroid in them to reduce inflammation.  These can actually delay healing if used too long.  If the cream contains cortisone, dexamethasone, or triamcinolone acetonide, I would have to say I would stop using it for now unless the vet tells you to continue.  I'd use a thin layer of plain old Neosporin, instead, which does not contain a steroid but will prevent infection and is perfectly safe for cats.