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We just adopted two, 9-week-old, rescued kittens through a vet clinic. They are brothers but the black one is fluffier and has longer hair than the Tabby. How can I tell if they are DSH or DMH? The staff at the clinic was going back and forth. One of the staff members told us they thought the mother had some Maine coon in her - she was very fluffy. The black one was labeled DMH when I first saw him, but that was changed to DSH when I picked him up. Is there a way to tell for certain?

Thanks for helping me figure this out.


If the cat looks like it has a frontal ruff and britches, it is probably a domestic semi-longhair.  If there is no sign of ruff nor are their britches, it is a domestic shorthair.  In any case the only true longhaired cat is the Persian.  Most other cats with longer hair (including Maine Coons) are semi-longhairs.

I hope that helps.

Best regards... Norm.