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medications for indoor cats


Norman, we have 3 indoor cats that never go outside. What do you consider the necessary vaccinations to be given these cats?  We've just been letting the Vet give whatever without any questions.  All of our cats are completely healthy in every way.


Remember, I am not a vet, but indoor only cats need to vacccinated against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, and calici (this is a 3-1 vaccine).  There is a 4-1 (for chlamydia in additon to the other 3), but this is really unnecessary and can have some nasty side effects, so I would settle for the 3-1 vaccine.  Depending on your jursidtiction, they may have to be vaccinated against rabies. All vaccines should be given intramuscularly and in a rear thigh muscle (in case of needle site sarcoma).  Vaccines should be given at least 3 weeks apart.  No other vaccines are necessary for indoor cats.  FeLV can only be contracted out of doors, FIV can only be contracted out iof doors, so I would not give them.

Here is some recent stuff on feline vaccinations:

Best regards... Norm.