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irritable overweight cat


hello, i have a 3 yr old grey tabby cat (not pedigree by any standards). She's
always had a great appetite but for the last year or so shes been ballooning.
Last year the vet said she was at the size of a 6/7 yr old cat. We've been
trying to curb her eating but think shes getting fed elsewhere also. Any
advice on how to get her to lose weight would be great as we worry she'll die
younger as a result of her fatness.
Also, at the moment shes got slightly watery/glassy eyes and is badly off
form. Goes off on her own into a corner and gives out if you go near her,
whereas normally shes up curled into ur belly purring like mad. Shes still
going out but not for as long a time. Generally lethargic, and cranky!

Any help on these matters would be excellent. Thanks


Hi Niall, Well I can certainly empathize with your cat as I struggle with weight issues also ! I think it would be important to know if she is just "chunky" or if she is actually grossly obese. Can you try to attach a picture of her and send it to me? Usually with cats it is easier to exercise them more than to cut back on their food. Cats love their food and if you restrict it they will go elsewhere it ! You could keep her indoors (which is always a safer lifestyle) and then put her on one of the many diet cat foods that are on the market to help her shed a bit. then get her one of those fishing rod type of cat toys with feathers or fur on the end and get her to start chasing it and eventually she will be jumping at it. She should have a 20 minute work out twice a day and if you do it before she eats you will have more luck with her participating !
Now, in the meantime it sounds like she has picked up an upper respiratory virus. This is a good old cat cold ! This is another one of the risks of going outside.. she will pick up things. It is also possible she may have an abscess on her neck or head from cat fights and that is causing her eye to drain and her to be lethargic. Either way,  I would recommend you get her checked by the vet and even pick up some diet food when you are at the vet office and then start her new year off with a new regime ! Teresa