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due any day


please help im not a very patience nannie my cat milly is due NE day and just worried im going to miss it ive even got baby monitors incase she goes into labour through the night is there any tale tale signs that is will be in the next 24 hrs xxxxthanks

Hi Sarah,

Normal gestiation for a cat is between 58 to 66 days but usually between 63-65.  Some cats want you around and others want you nowhere near them when birthing is imminent.  If she wants you there she will be sure to let you know!  If she doesn't you really won't find her.  So, the best thing to do is set her up with a cardboard box and lots of cosy blankets in a nice warm area like a bathroom or a closet.  If you don't she may end up having the kittens on your bed,couch laundry etc.  

The easiest way to know for sure is by taking her temperature.  Normal temp for a cat is 100-102.5, but will drop a full degree 24hours before birthing.  The temp should be taken rectally, you will need to get a baseline for her so you know what her normal temp is and will be able to tell when it drops.  Another sign is when their milk comes in.  Your cat will also nest and the very early stages of labor will have her running back and forth to the litter box, especially for a new mom as they ar enot entirely sure what is going on.  They will then usually settle down and start to purr heavily from the pain.  You will then be able to see the contractions, they are quite visible and obvious then babies are on the way!

Hope this helps!

Chenza Maine Coons