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In and out!


My spade cat wants to come in and out all day! in an hour she will want to be let in and out at least 7 times, I just dont understand why.


Cats are very intelligent and curious. This can mean that they always feel as though they're missing something. There's an old saying about a cat always being on the wrong side of a closed door and it's an adage that I've found to hold true, our cats don't go outside, however closed doors are still a problem in their esteemed opinions - in our household a closed bathroom door results in a production filled with theatrics that would make Broadway jealous! The simple solutions are to install a cat door with a magnetic key that's attached to your cat's collar which prevents unwanted visitors or simply stop responding to the cat's every whim, she's safer indoors anyhow. Essentially it's up to you whether you want to allow your cat to continue training you to drop everything when she wants you to in order to facilitate her indoor/outdoor routine or you'd prefer to deal with a bit of pouting and disappointment for a short time when she's adjusting to becoming an indoor only cat.