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Sexual behaviour of 4month old kitten


QUESTION: My 4 month old kitten has started performing what seems like a mating ritual to my furry blanket. He bites it (like he would bite the neck of a queen) and tries his bes to mount it - humping it continuously. At this stage he gets an erection. I have seeked advice from many friends who have had male cats but none of them has ever heard of this happening in kittens.
Any help would be much appreciated.

ANSWER: Hi Emma, well this is certainly unusual behaviour for a 4 month old kitten. I have seen it in 6 months old kittens when their hormones start to get into gear. Are  you positive of his age? did he have a normal childhood ie he was not separated from his mom before 8 weeks old?? It will most likely stop when he is neutered but it will be interesting to find out where it is coming from. Does he do any "sucking" on blankets?? or on your arm??

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He used to suck on the same blanket when he was younger. We got him from a pet shop so he could have potentially been taken away from his mother too young, vets said he is 8 weeks old.
We are taking him to the vets tonight to see if they think he is big enough to get neutered.
Many thanks.

Hi Emma, Well if he was sucking on the same blanket that he is now mounting.. I would definitely say he has some separation issues. Until he is about 6 months you might want to allow him to engage in this behaviour so you don't traumatize him too much with taking away his blanket... but after 6-7 months I would gradually start taking the blanket away from him for an hour at a time until he is mature and stabile and confident enough to live without it. He is just like a little orphan clinging onto anything that feels like it did when he was with 'mommy'... poor thing ....
I am sure you can get him neutered at this age and that will slow down the mounting  behaviour but  he may just go back to sucking. Be patient and try to guide him elsewhere when he starts this behaviour... especially toys and playtime. You don't want to make the substitute behaviour --overeating-- so watch out you don't fall into that trap.
Good luck with your little guy ! By the time he is a year this should be 99% behind you :)