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absesses for too long


Dear Karen,I have a 10 month old cat who was bitten in mid Feb. by a feral cat and developed 2 absesses. I had him treated, gave him the prescribed meds(clavamox), did the recomended hot compresses. Everything I was told to do and he seemed to be fine. A week and a half later the absesses were back and worse than before, 3 absesses in new locations; this has happened now three times. The third time,5 absesses in new and reoccuring spots, I just couldn't afford another $200 vet bill so I asked for some other kind alternative from the vet and she gave me a different med to take for 3 weeks (orbax) instead of the previous 7 days. I'm about out of meds again and the absesses have returned. This time however they are a little different. They didn't form large blister like before. The skin just seemed to open and a little whitish clear puss has drain from them along with large pebble like white peice. I try to mesage them out when I can. The sores are not as deep as the two times before. I'm a broke college student, and can't afford these multiple return trips. I feel that this kind of infection should be a little easier to cure. Do you think the vet isn't diagnosing properly or maybe my cat has something else?Is there something homeopathic I can provide? I've tried two vets at the same hospital, should I go elsewhere? Do you have any advice of these questions or additional ideas? Please help.Rhianne

Hi Rhianne,

Most abscesses respond well to what was given to your cat. Then there a few types of bacteria that don't respond. I can't diagnose for you but I can give you a suggestion for you to ask your vet. Ask him to prescribe tetracycline for your cat. There is a type of bacteria called l-form bacteria. And there is something called Mycoplasma infections that both cause multiple abscesses. They only respond to tetracycline. You can do blood work for these but it's cheaper just to treat him with the tetracycline. And if you have a Wal Mart by you the prescription should cost you only $4. Run this by your vet. You may have to press him on this issue. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen