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finding my cat a friend


Momo is my 2 year old male cat. I just graduated college and since this is my first apartment alone I brought him with me. I want to get him a playmate and I'm wondering if I should get a new kitten or a young cat about his age. Thank you for your thoughts!

Hi Lauren,

I am a firm believer of having a companion to an only cat. They are group animals. Momo will be a lot happier with a companion. I would suggest you get a kitten about 10 weeks old. Momo will accept the kitten easier than an older cat. There will be less issues of domination with the kitten. I would also get a male kitten. I hope that Momo is fixed. If you get another male and get him fixed young there seems to be less territorial battles. Good luck on your decision. Let me know if you have any problems.

Ciao, Karen