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new kitten terrified of husband


Hi there. A few days ago we brought home a  male 5 month old kitten. He had had a special neutering surgery so he still has stitches.We also have a 1 and half year old neutered male. All is well there they seem sure to become great pals. The new little guy is hiding and frightened, which i am sure is normal. When I pick him up and spend time with him, he is cuddly, purring and sweet as ever. Provided my husband is no where near. He is absolutely terrified of him, for no apparent reason. Even if he turns the page of a book , the little guy gets spooked. It is heart breaking to see. We are suspecting prior abuse by a male? But we would like to make sure he is properly socialized, because he is a very sweet, friendly and affectionate cat, and I would hate for this too turn him into an introverted and frightened kitty.
Help, what should I do? Is there any good articles or books i can access?  thank you in advance..........Alyssa and little Pinkerton.

Hi, Alyssa.  Prior abuse is a very real possibility.  Even if he wasn't abused, cats do tend to be fearful of men more often than of women because of their deep voices and larger stature.  Right now is, indeed, a time of uncertainty for your little kitten, and his fears are going to be escalated.  I'm certain that he will develop trust for your husband given some time.  

In the meantime, have your husband feed the kitties.  Also, encourage him to sit on the floor and try hand-feeding the kitten some treats.  He may need to start placing the treats at a distance, and then move them closer gradually until the kitten will take them from his hands.  

And if your husband can get noisy (like yelling during sports game, etc.), see if he could make an effort to be a little quieter until the kitten gets used to your husband and his new surroundings.  Cats are very sensitive to noise.