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feral kittens


In early Nov., I trapped and spayed/neutered a feral mother cat and her two male kittens who were about 10 weeks old at the time.  The mother I released back outside and have been feeding her regularly.  The kittens I brought inside with the hope of taming them enough to be adoptable.  I cannot keep them inside myself for much longer for a variety of reasons.  One kitten has become fairly tame, loves to play and be petted, although he is still shy.  The other is still completely wild and runs from me no matter how quiet and calm I am or how much he sees his brother interacting with me.  I'm starting to feel it's cruel to keep him inside where he is constantly scared and running for hiding places.  It is cold here (30s and 40s mostly) but I do have a shelter that the mother cat uses.  What is the best thing to do for him....keep him inside until it is warmer and he is older or let him outside and provide food and shelter for him out there?  I've tried all the rescue organizations in the area and no one is able to take him in.  Thank you for any advice you can give.

Hi Karen.  Thanks for putting an end to this branch of the feral cat overpopulation!  I would keep him inside until the weather warms up and he's a little bigger to handle the elements better.  He'll be more able to defend himself and his immune system will be a little stronger, as well.  I don't think it's cruel to keep a feral cat indoors, personally.  I've had my share, and there is one cat I still can't touch after 5 years.  However, even with the door in my house wide open, she won't even show interest in going outside.  While your guy is scared inside and running for hiding places, he's still going to be a skiddish kitty outside, running for hiding places every time a person, dog, car, etc., is nearby.  So I don't think it's going to be worse for him indoors than it will be for him outdoors until spring.  And it's safer.