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psuedomonos bacterial infection in my cat


Mikey is 3 yrs old.  Had upper respiratory problems when I adopted him at six months.  diagnosed with the psuedomonos and has been on and off Zeniquin antibiotic...three nights ago he lost his hearing.  Vet swears not caused by this drug...we are scheduled to see a vet neurologist after extensive blood work comes back (testing for further spread of pseudomonas, anything viral, tumor or toxoplasmosis...or we may need to pursue a brain scan or possible spinal tap.  Is there anyone reading this who could offer a comment or two - anyone who is having or has had this same experience?

Hi Lin,

I haven't had any experience with psuedomonas but I do have some links from some sites that have some very good info on this. I'll post them here for you.

From what I read hearing loss doesn't seem related with this. In the first link is some good info on hearing loss. Look through that site. And have Mikey checked further. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen