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one no claws the other with claws


Hi again My Kitten is 2 months old my Question is my 9yr old she has no front claws. but the kitten does they told me I had too wait til she is 4 months old before she can get fix and i said before the older one hisses at her I am worried that the liile one will scrach her. i don't get in the middle of their spats.should i be worried?


I would not worry at all!!!!!

If you saw how roughly little kittens play with their brothers and sisters, you would realize that no one is going to hurt the other.

Cat skin is incredibly tough.  Watch the vet giving a shot.  I would learn to keep the kitten's claws clipped (weekly in the front and biweekly in the back with kittens), but not worry about the kitten hurting the 9 year old.

I am glad you are staying out of the fray, this is good!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.