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Dog Lover, but lazy


I am about to purchase a cat with my fiance.  We am mostly concerned with choosing the correct breed for my taste so that odds are, we are getting the personality type we want.  In your opinion, what is the friendliest, warmest breed?  We want a cat that will be excited to see us, sit in our laps, and generally have a warm disposition.  Basically, the personality of a dog in cat form.  Any recommendations?

Oh boy. . . you aren't going to believe me here, but this description applies SO much to my particular breed that I HAVE to recommend it. Turkish Angoras have often been called the most "doglike" of all cats because they are very outgoing, social, playful and incredibly affectionate. They are real in-your-face cats, ready to "help" with everything you are doing (in fact, I am amazed that there isn't one trying to help me type this right now.) When I come home from work, at least one of my four Turks meets me at the door or as I am coming upstairs and does everything but ask "how was your day, dear?" They will sit in my lap and "make bread" on my tummy until the cows come home, too. And show one a feather toy and you will see true pandemonium.

After 16-plus years of working with this breed, I have seen a lot of confirmed dog people turned into cat people by Turkish Angoras -- most recently, my ex-boyfriend, who fell in love with them after spending time with mine.

There are other breeds that are as naturally outgoing and playful-- the Abyssinian, Somali, and Cornish Rex are close behind the Turk in these terms, but when you have them together to compare, it's just no contest. Most other breeds are more reserved, or have a placid nature that doesn't get excited much (I am thinking of Persians and Exotics now, very sweet and calm but nothing like a dog).

You can learn more about Turks (and the other breeds I have mentioned) at the Cat Fancier's Association web site, If you do decide that you'd like to learn more about Turks and perhaps find a breeder in your area, you can email me directly at -- I am the CFA Turkish Angora Breed Council Secretary, which means I'm the official spokesperson for the breed and a central reference point for breeders all over the U.S. and Canada. (Have a lot of overseas connections too).

Hope I have whetted your appetite :-)
