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my cat making a weird noise


I have a very friednly and chatty Siamese kitty named Mia.  She is perfectly good natured and likes everyone she meets.  She makes all kinds of noises including loud purring, chirping, and chattering.  One thing that she recently started doing is sighing very loudly through her nose. It sounds almost like a person pushing air through their nose.  I can't seem to be able to tell if she has a particular mood when she does this.  Dying to know if it means something!  What do you think?

Hi Rachel,

Mia sounds absolutely lovely!  Siamese cats do tend to be extremely vocal and make a lot of different noises, but many breeds of cat sigh in the way that you describe.  It tends to mean the same that it means when a person sighs - tiredness, contentment after eating or before falling asleep, or sometimes even frustration.  It certainly isn't a sign that anything is wrong with Mia - it's just another way of her getting your attention!

Hope this helps!
Take care