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help, PLEASE!!


Hi, my 1 year old male cat Matais started peeing on specific things after I had my baby. He pees on the bed, any blanket left on the floor, any baby clothes on the floor, and the car seat. I don't know what to do. I put the car seat away so he can't pee on that. But he is always peeing on the bed and blankets. I had him neutered after the problem started but the  didn't help at all. I'm pretty sure he is trying      
to mark his territory. I think he might also be upset over the amount of attention he is getting, between the baby, boyfriend, and two other cats he isn't getting as much as he
used too. What can I do to get him to stop peeing on those things?  

HI katie,

PLease take your cat to the vet ASAP! Most problems with urination outside the box are due to a medical problem and it's important to rule these out even if you believe it is behavioral. It's too bad you waited until aftre he started peeing outside the box to neuter him, since if it is due to territorial marking it's much better to avoid than stop him from doing it once he's started.

Please read this article on the topic for more information: