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former best buds now at odds



About nine months ago my wife and I adopted two ragdoll kittens - brother and sister from the same litter.  Until yesterday, they got along perfectly.  They played together, slept together, never fought, etc.  Yesterday, we took the female kitten to the vet and left her there for the day for tests.  The male kitten was alone in the house all day.  When we brought her home, the male kitten wanted nothing to do with her and hisses at her when she gets too close.  We called the vet and they suggested it was because she smells like an animal hospital, but this morning the problem persists.  Do you have any idea what is going on?  Any suggestions?  Any help is greatly appreciated.  We would really like for them to be friends again.


Your vet hospital is absolutely correct.  Cats know each other by their scents.  She does not smell like herself but the vet's office.  Give them some time.  As the vet office smells wear off, she will smell like her old self and your boy should accept her again.  A day or two is usually not quite enough time.

Just leave them alone and ignore any noise and things should return to normal shortly.  It normally takes a few days but things can take less or more time.  A day in cat reckoning is no time at all.

Best regards... Norm.