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cat in labor for 10 hrs


this is my cats first litter.  we found her about two yrs ago and took her in my husband olst his joba nd we had been unable to spay her.  now she has delivered one kitten at about ten a.m. and its now 10 p.m. and she still has had no more kittens.  i can feel more in her belly and she is "oozing"  clear pink liquid.  she is an abnormally small cat and i dont think she has more than two more to go....i dont have the money for a vet bill please help!!


Cats sometimes take as much as 24-48 hours between kittens.  The feline uterus has 2 horns and sometimes they "empty out" one horn at a time.  Assuming she has a kitten in each horn, this may be what is happening.  

On the other hand, if there is something wrong inside, the female may shut down. The only way to tell is with an X-ray. Whether you can pay a vet bill or not, if you are concerned, you will have to see a vet sooner or later. If nothing happens after 24 hours, I would see your vet and see what is going on. If she is in trouble and has life threatening complications, you will have to hand raise the first kitten!

Hopefully, she will start labor again, unless she really only had the one kitten and is finished.  Did she pass a placenta with the first kitten?

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.