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female spraying


I have 2 falme tip siamese girl cat sisters and they are house only cats. They have each had a few 3 or 4 cycles each and are urinating in comforters and any clothes my kids drop on floor. I believe in if u have expensive furniture it's ok to declaw. I believe once u do this this is your cat till death. My last lived 15 yrs. and we lost her from kidney fail when we evacuated with hurricane rita. we had a vet bill we have just paid off of 1500.00 trying to save her when evacuated. We had to wait until now to fix the new ones (approx 1 yr.old)I really hate to spend the money on declaw and spay if there is a low chance this will correct the spraying. I have had to wait this long to afford it. Please let me know what the chances are you think from the stories you have read and info researched the chances this will work after cats having several cycles and not getting it done 1st or second cycle Thank you

Hi Tracie,
Yes, I think having them spayed will cut down on the spraying for sure, but I'm not positive it will completely stop it.  However, they will be healthier if you have them spayed as it will avoid ovarian tumors that are hard to detect and could be fatal, not to mention other health issues.  I think you should have them spayed.

God Bless,