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6 month old kittens still nursing!


we found a stray cat last december, and she was pregenant, we were unable to find the owner and so we decided to keep her. She had her kittens the day before christmas eve 2007. we were able to find homes for two, but could not find the other two homes so we decided to keep them.

The problem is that the kittens are still nursing and im worried wether this will efect the mothers health, or if the kittnes will never stop nursing. imagine a grown cat still nursing from its mother!

will the kittens stop on their own or is there something we can do? ive seen them doing it more as of recent, like twice today so i am very worried.

Thanks for any help


One would hope the mother would stop this, but in a pinch, some do not.  Are you sure she has milk.  Eventhough they are still at a nipple, they may or may not be getting milk.  

Assuming these are indoor kitties, sometimes this behavior can be stopped by getting an old sock, cutting it to fit and putting it on mama like a body stocking. If theya re out of doors I would think this through as it may cause mama some problems outside.

Usually, the kittens will fiund soimething else to do and leave mama alone.

Best regards... Norm.