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Two Males Kittens


Hi Norman - wonder if you can help me out a bit.  My Husband found a Ferral Kitten - he's 6 weeks .. we've had him for five days now and hes gone from spitting to a great kitten with no problems - maybe a bit shy and timid.  Then yesterday we went out and bought a ginger tom cat whos 9 weeks.  Hes much more outgoing and adventurous but keeps on spitting and growling at our little 6 week old ferral kitten.  The Ferral kitten doesnt really seem affected by it and just wants to be his friend.  Whats the best thing to do?  Why the ginger just accept he has to get on.  I know its early days.

Thanks for reading my question ...


As a rule when two cats who do not know each other meet, this is how they behave towards one another.  The best thing to do is leave them alone and let them come to terms with each other however they want to.  Do not separate them, do not interfere with them.  Let them work it out in their own way on their own terms.  With such young kittens, it should only take a few days to a week for them to calm down and begin playing.

One tip is that kittens play incredibly roughly with each other, so what may seem like fighting, is most probably, rough play.  Cats have very, very tough skin and these two are not going to really hurt each other.

So, no matter how loud they get in their discussions, ignore it.   If there is any loose fur, ignore it.  Once they get through the "getting to know you rituals", they should be fine with each other.

Best regards... Norm.