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Maine Coon cat



One of my Maine Coon cats has always tried to escape our contained garden area. We have six cats and all are happy except George. he is four years old and has escaped a few times but always returned within several hours.  This time he has been gone a month, no body found on local roads, leaflets printed and delivered through area along with newspaper adverts etc...hired a pet detective who felt he was close to home too or maybe being held by someone.
The latest call I received from a local man said he's with a clony of ferral cats in the local field!   It's been a mild summer and I know he's a good hunter so could have survived there with "friends" this possible??   We're so worried and miss him very much but have done all we can to locate him.
His behaviour is totally different to our other Maine Coon, who loves to stay close and although loves to hunt in the garden is a scardy cat!!  George was more adventuous always and I fear it may be his undoing. I'd very much appreciate your opinion.


It sounds to me like you have done all you can do.  It also sounds as if Georgie, if the cat you were called about living in the local field is, indeed, Georgie, may be much happier on his own.  He is gorgeous, but cats often do choose their own way.

It is very possible Georgie will do very well in the wild. He seemed not to like being in a loving home environment for whatever reasons.  Maine Coons developed the way they did to withstand the harsh summers and winters in Eastern Canada and Northeastern United States, so he may do very well.

It is hard to say what Georgie objected to in the household, but, if he has found his nitch in the wild, so be it.

Best regards... Norm.