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kitten unwell


I have a 9 week old female kitten, we have had her for one week. She has been sneezing and has an upset tummy although is still eating. She also has some black discharge from her nose. we are feeding her whiskers kitten food and kitten milk slightly watered down. Is she unwell? what should we do?

It is not uncommon for kittens to get an upper respiratory tract infection, but if she has not already been seen by a vet in her life she should go now, she might need antibiotics. There are also other viruses she could have.

Whiskas is really awful food, please feed her something better, and she does not need "kitten milk" at 9 weeks she can just eat canned food. I recommend you feed her Nature's Variety Instinct, Wellness Kitten or CORE, Natural Balance or Innova Evo. Cats should not eat grain and Whiskas (if that is what you meant) is full of grain and artificial colors. It is not a healthy food. A good diet will help her get healthy again.

Here is more information about cat nutrition and what you should be feeding your cat:

Here are some lists of good quality food to feed your kitten/cat (kittens do not need special food they only need to eat more):