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lump in cats ear


we have a cat that is 6 months old, we just noticed yesterday that he has a large lump on the main outer ear and its not oozing or anything, and we dont see any kind of cut or anything as he is an indoor cat, but its puffy looking like it has something in it,like a fluid of some sort....can u help us out, cant really afford to go to the vet. thanks waiting to hear from you.

Hi Angela.  If the bump isn't causing him any sort of pain, then I would suggest that you leave it alone.  If it's going to pop, it will pop on its own.  It's most likely a pimple or something along those lines.  If you notice that his actions are getting different from his normal routines, like he becomes lethargic, not eating or drinking, then you will have to go to the vet.  

Good luck!