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Smelly Stool and Gas


I have a cat who is about 8 months old.  He constantly has very smelly stools and sometimes diarrhea and gas.  I have tried putting him on a chicken food instead of fish.  I have also tried giving him active culture yogurt.  He has also been treated for worms.  None of these methods have worked.  About three days ago, I put him on Innova Evo (a grain free food).  It hasn't been long enough to tell if this will work yet, but do you think that it sounds like symptoms of a grain intolerance?

Hi Jessica,

Yes it could quite well be that. EVO is a great food for him to be on. I hope you made the changeover to it gradually. If you just changed it over completely he may continue to have diarrhea until he gets used to it. Give him about 3 weeks on this and see how he does. If he isn't better write back to me and I may be able to help you further. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen