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Foxy Cat Breeds

20 16:40:45

Hello. What cat breeds besides the Somali are considered foxy? Please let me know. Thank you.

Mr. Jason Goldman


AFAIK, only the Somali is considered foxy.

BTW, my contact on Carnivore Genetics (who just moved from Suisun, CA to San Diego, CA) sent me this observation:

"I believe the Canivore Genetics Center Kline Maps that show the consentration of the aby tick gene along the coast of India and throughout South East Asia is pretty sound evidence.  Also the Leiden Museum stuffed aby from India goes back 160 years or so.  I can't recall off hand where this might be published.  I may have slides somewhere but with my move they would be in storage.  I'll keep my eye out for anything."

I take this as evidence that the modern Abyssinian (the archtypal ticked tabby) had roots in Southern Asia, as opposed to Africa.

Best regards... Norm.