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re: spaced apart birth


I have a pomeranian, it's her first time giving birth and she let out one...its six hours now and she is starting to pant hard again like in the begining of birth when she was in labor,so im wondering if she can get a second puppy


Unfortunately I am a cat expert. In cats usually the rule of thumb is that if you see mom straining hard for more than an hour and no baby is produced there is a serious issue and she should be seen by a vet as soon as you can get there. I am guessing though that the birth processes are fairly similar. It seems odd to me that the pups are so far apart, while it is possible that there are differences in birth processes it seems like there may be a problem that requires the assistance of your nearest vet. I think that it is quite likely that your pomeranian has a large puppy stuck in her birth canal. I am guessing that the nursing puppy has stimulated further uterine contractions, if the puppy hasn't been born yet I would highly recommend that you take mom to the vet. In terms of survival of the puppy that is blocking the way for the other pups I doubt that this puppy will live, but if you can get mom to the vet in time there is a chance that you will save some of the pups behind that first one. Mom will likely require a caesarian, I would advise that you have her spayed at the same time, unfortunately the fact that she has had one hard birth may mean that any future breeding would mean the same struggles. I hope that you have found this information helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again. I will do what I can to help.