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ELderly Cat Question


My cat 17 years old (vet thinks)has a kidney problem. Today he is very weak and seems to have lost his eyesight overnight. Can electrolytes be an issue?  He has been going every other day to the vet for a water pouch via IV. He is getting worse. Since it is Sunday, I guess I shall take him to the emergency room ER recommended by my vet. Then tomorrow I shall take him to Cooper City to the Renal Specialist. He is eating some and drinking his water. He went downstairs on his own also.  What happened to his eyes today?  He used the litter box during the night on his own.
Now he appears helpless.  Please respond.

Hi Alicia,

I'm sorry I wasn't able to get back to you before this. I had a mini family crisis.

I can't give you a definitive answer on this. Your vet will be able to answer this better. But, a lot of times, sudden blindness is brought on in older cats like yours by high blood pressure. This goes hand in hand with the renal disease your cat has. He can recover from this though. It just takes time. Ask your vet to see if this might be the problem. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen