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aggresive mum


i have 2 birman cats 1 male neuter(dylan) who is 2years and a female breed girl,(Lacey)who is 2years 3months ,the female has always been the bossy one,she would hiss at dylan only when she was calling ,but other than that they loved each other.lacey had her first litter 19 weeks ago,and was a great mum,as one of the kittens(male)was show quality i am keeping him,the problem is lacey cant walk passed him without her hissing,and growling at him,she also snaps in his face and hits him with her paw,he has started to lay down when he sees her coming,he has also started with the runs,but im not sure if that has any relavence to the bullying,will she grow to love him


It is not unusual in the wild for a female to "throw" her older kittens out of the nest, so to speak.  This may be what you are witnessing.  However, in time, should she come into season, she would probably accept his advances.

Normally, it is wise to keep whole females and whole males separated unless you want them to breed.

Best regards... norm.