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last stage in pregnancy


my cat is pregnant and as alarge belly her nipples are cracked and you can see and feel movements of the kittens this is her second litter and is being done after the birth of her babys but im not sure hoe long she s got im sure she got caught in febuary early but from what i say about her can you at least have a guess on when she is due she also sleeps all the time. please help

hi Lindsey, Usually in the last couple of days before the kittens are born the mom will be more restless than usual. she will be going from one spot to another and then will find a spot she likes.. and spend more time there than any other spot in the house. This will often be a different spot than where she usually sleeps. You will also notice her using the litter box more than normal. And she may spend more time digging around in the box than she usually does.. You may also notice a mucousy discharge in the last 24 hours before delivery. Most cats don't eat within a few hours of labour starting but that is not 100%. In the last 24 hours your cat will have a small drop in temperature so you may notice she feels cooler when you touch her than she normally does.
She also will become more soft feeling in her tummy as the kittens drop and prepare for delivery. I hope this helps you somewhat ! Teresa