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Moving away from home


My sister just had her 1st baby. After having her in the home for a few days she discovered that the baby was allergic to her cat, who she had had since he was born.  He is 4. My sister, very upset, moved the cat, Jake, to the garage until she could find more suitable solution.  She called non-kill shelters, but they had no room. She then called me, and pleaded that I take Jake.  I said yes, even though I haven't had a cat in years and I have 2 small children who are 2 1/2 and 5. So she packed up all of Jake's things, his litter box, his place mat, his scratching post, his toys, even a blanket that smells like home.  She brought him here at 12 noon Sunday.  He stayed in the cage for a while, the kids all around Jake.  Jake is not used to children.  Then we took all his stuff downstairs, she took him out of the cage showed him his litter box and his food and then she let him go.  He ran under the steps and has been there ever since.  The 1st night he didn't come out at all.  The next night he came out and ate and used the bathroom.  And so on, then finally last night, he saw me and hissed and growled at me.  I pleaded with him for a good 10 minutes.  I gave him some treats, he ate them.  Then he just Meowed at me for a while. Then he ran and hid.  Well now let me ask my question.  How is he going to be? Is he going to get used to me and my house soon.  How is he going to be with my children.  He doesn't know any of us.  Please help.  I already love Jake, because I've always loved cats, but will he ever love me back??

Hi Denise,

You've made some progress with Jake already. You need to keep up with the treats and the visits to him. You need to keep the children away from him for a while. He is absorbing a lot right now and children won't help him. Visit and sit with him. He is looking for company but is afraid of his new environment. Talk quietly to him and keep on giving him treats. He will respond and come to you soon. Let him explore on his own. He will be checking things out. Let him come to the children on his own. Little ones like yours are very scary to cats. He may not come to them at all. Just make sure they don't chase him. Jake will come to love you soon enough. Don't worry about that. He just needs time. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen