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cats and kittens


QUESTION: We have two females that got pregnant around the same time.  They're litter mates and about a year old.  My cat, Chowder, had her litter almost two weeks ago.  She had six healthy kittens.  Addie, my mom's cat, just went into labor yesterday and has had four premature kittens, three yesterday and one tonight, that were either born dead or died shortly after birth.  She's been wandering around the house and she's been stealing one or two of Chowder's kittens at a time.  She still has one more kitten that she hasn't birthed yet, if that ends up dying should we just let her have one or two of Chow's kittens?  Is it even normal for her to be taking another cats kittens?  She gets very distressed when we take the kittens back to Chow too.  She even tries to bite which is something she never does.

ANSWER: Hi gigi, It is fine for her to raise one or two of chowders kittens. As long as Chowder isn't stressed by it then it is fine and makes the work of raising kittens a little easier for Chowder. What concerns me is that you say Addie has another kitten in her.... You will want that kitten out of her asap especially if it is dead. Did you have an ultrasound done to know the number of kittens? Teresa

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for such a quick reply.  We own a doppler (I may have spelled that wrong) and we can still get one more heart beat.  Right now both Addie and Chowder are in Chow's box, Chow's feeding the kittens and Addie's just laying next to them.  Is this okay if Chowder allowed her to climb in without any aggressive behavior?

hi Gigi, As long as neither of the mom cats are upset... don't worry about them sharing a box or being with each other. But I am concerned about this last kitten. It is great that you are able to check a heartbeat.. lol.. I was wondering how you were so on top of the number of kittens ha ha ha
It is possible.. but rare.. that a mom cat can have premature kittens and carry the rest of the litter safely to term.So, keep a very close eye on things. Has mom shown any more signs of labour?? Any discharge coming from her? Is she still eating ok and no diarrhea?? do you know what Addies' actual due date was ??