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Strange Kitten Behaviour


Hello, I have recently got 2 kittens they are both now 4 months old.  My question is regarding just one of them, every morning at about 4am he headbuts me and purrs very loudly, he does it for about 20 minutes, he doesn't want a cuddle but is happy being stroked - is he telling me something?? its the same time every single day.  I would hope he's just happy but I am worried he's telling me something that I am not picking up on.

Hi Clare,

I'm laughing at this because I have one who does the same but at a different time. He's doing it for two reasons. One is that he loves you and wants to say hello and get scratched from you. And the second is because you scratch him at this time when he does this. You are reinforcing his behavior by doing this at this time. If it doesn't bother you then don't worry about it. If you don't like it write back and I'll help you gently break him of doing this at this time. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen