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Mamma has engorged breasts


I have an outdoor female cate that had her kittens about 2 1/2 weeks ago.  We found one but wasnt sure it was her kitten.  I tried to feed it supplement milk.  The next day I realized that my mamma cats breasts were engorged.  I then put them together and sure enough that seems to be her baby.  The baby nursed from her for a little bit but now mamma wont let her nurse.  what should i do?

Continue to place the two together, and if she does not allow nursing and warming, continue with the kitten milk replacement. Feed the kitten using a kitten bottle or an eye dropper. If formula comes out the nose, reposition the kitten on his belly, and try to feed again.

Every other time the kitten cries for food, place him with the mother. She should respond and begin to nurse. If she does not, it will be up to you to feed the little one for the next six weeks.