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Declawing and neuturing cats


I was just wondering how young a kitten can be before neutering and declawing? It will be the first time that I declaw a cat. I have owned many cats in the past and they have all ruined my furniture. I have nice new furniture and I love cats but don't want my furniture ruined.Thanks, Joanne


Kittens can be neutered/spayed when they weigh more than 4 pounds and are at least 12 weeks of age.  I am not a fan of declawing, but I understand your issues. The constraints on age and weight have more to do with handling the anaesthetic rather than the actual surgery.  Younger kittens tend to bounce back from surgery more quickly.

We have had good success with a proper exercise post.  It needs to be at least as tall as the cat is long up on its hind legs with forelegs stretched above its head.  The post needs to be sturdy and wrapped with closed loop carpeting and/or sisal.  As an incentive, we often spray a new exercise post with catnip spray (available from most pet supermarkets).  Having shelves and cubby holes on such an exercise post is a major plus.  We often put such a post near a window so the cat can perch and look out at the goings ons outside.

Furniture with a fabric that can allow the cat to catch its claws, like a tweed, will always be very enticing to the cat.

Best regards... Norm.