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New kitten meeting our 14 month old cat.


Hello Kate,
Just want to find out something. We got our 14 month old male cat a little female kitten yesterday as we think he is lonely and that is why he wonders of during the day. anyway we are keeping the new kitten in our spare room for a few days on her own so she can get use to her new surroundings, how or when should we let the two meet each other I know when we stayed at our old place where there was also cats he always had friends he played with. So please help us make the meeting of our 2 cats go smoothly. thanks a lot.

Hi Hannes
well my best advice is to introduce them as soon as possible and for you to follow my procedure described on my website here


take the process slowly and calmly and they will build confidence in each other over the process. This is really the best way as it is a safe environement for them to get used to each others sight and smell etc.

best wishes Kate