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wobbley hips on my kitten


Hello Norman,i adopted a stray kitten and is now 12 week's old.I notice although 'Scooter' is agile ,his hip's do wobble some times and also paces sometimes as he walk's.Do you have any experience with this?And what might lie ahead in the future as he developes.Thankyou


Some cats do develop hip displaysia, but it generally does not show up until they are about 18 months or older.  I am not sure what you mean by "wobbly" hips and what you mean by "pacing", but I would have him checked out by a vet who is experienced in feline orthopedics.  Cat skeletal systems are put together much "looser" than dogs, so vets who deal mostly with dogs sometimes misdiagnose cats as having problems where there are none.

In feline hip dysplasia, there are tests that can be run (using X-rays) to see if the cat really has a problem.  One is the OFA test and the other is the Pennhip test. Many cat people like the Pennhip test better as they think it is more suitable for cats.

As to prognosis, hip displaysia can be asymptomatic up to severe and crippling. Every case is a bit different.  No matter what, if scooter continues to remain agile, so much the better.  He could be fine for a long, long time, maybe developing some arthritis or could have some major mobility problems.

Best of luck and best regards... Norm.